
Call of duty vanguard digital code
Call of duty vanguard digital code

Players will also make their mark across Call of Duty®’s signature Multiplayer experience, plus an exciting new Zombies experience developed by Treyarch.Ĭall of Duty®: Vanguard will also usher in a new and unparalleled Call of Duty®: Warzone™ integration post launch, and feature cross-progression and cross-generation play, in addition to a massive calendar of free post-launch content that adds in new Multiplayer maps, modes, seasonal events, community celebrations and more. Through a deeply engaging single player Campaign, a select group of soldiers from different countries rise to meet the world's gravest threat. The Call of Duty® franchise returns with Call of Duty®: Vanguard, developed by Sledgehammer Games, where players will be immersed in visceral WWII combat on an unprecedented global scale. Rise on every front: Dogfight over the Pacific, airdrop over France, defend Stalingrad with a sniper’s precision and blast through advancing forces in North Africa.

Call of duty vanguard digital code